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手板模型加工厂周年庆特价供应盐雾试验仪器 试验箱 气候设备
蒋文凤 业务QQ99 (咨询特价)
澡福塑料手板模型旗下有余姚中森模型加工厂、嘉兴中森模型加工厂,深圳中森模型加工厂,北京中森模型加工厂。杭州中森产品模型厂是一家专致于模型制造,激光快速成型,工业设计,激光三维测绘,夹具,检具设计加工,公司由以下几个部门组成:业务,设计,编程,机加工,后处理喷涂,品检等部门,模型制造以数控加工中心机(CNC)为主,相关钻床,喷砂机、磨刀机、真空复模机、烤箱等一整套设备为辅,作业软件:MasterCAM10、Por-E,UG,solid works等软件,公司目前拥有一批经验丰富高素质的技术骨干,多年从事CNC编程及模型制作,新、快、精、准的高效工作流程,效率比同行提高了近一倍,确保了客户能快速准时的拿到样品
Mobil:+86 (咨询特价)
做工精细 交货及时!
价格实惠 质量保证!
杭州市内 送货上门!
期待与您 真诚合作
Name:Wenfeng Jiang ;Tel588;QQ99;Mail99@qq.com;Add:.317 tongle Road,longgang District,shenzhen City,guangdong Province,China.
Plastic model factory. has been one of the professional rapid CNC prototyping manufacturers in China since the establishment in 2002. Ever since, we have adhered to the principle of "Integrity, Foresight, Solution and Efficiency" and kept balanced development on scale and profitability. In the past decades, we have enjoyed sustained growth in both import & export business. Thanks to our good reputation, excellent service and reliable quality, our clients are throughout the world.
In recognition of our profitable and social contribution, Shenzhen Credit Rating Corporation has granted us as the AAA credit rating manufacturer for many years. We have also passed ISO9001:2008 certification.
Products and Service:
1) Communication products: all kinds of mobile phones, telephones, intercoms, etc.
2) IT products: speakers, MP4 players, PDAs, mobile hard disks, learning machines, printers, fax machines, scanners, etc.
3) Household appliances: televisions, PDP/VCD/DVD players, air conditioners, cleaners, etc.
4) Instruments: meter controllers, display meters, operators, thermometers, barometers, etc.
5) Medical equipment: model aviation hand-board models, automobile internal components, etc.
6) Industrial categories: ,,, industrial designing and model designing
CNC hand-board models, simulation toys, gypsum boards, plastic boards, alloy boards, electronic gifts, mobile samples, coffee machine hand-board models, interphone hand-board models, show-to-see device hand-board models, household appliance hand-board models, iron hand-board models, communication product models, auto supply models and toy models
(7) Materials selections: PMMA, ABS, PC, PPS, POM, PP,AL,CU,AU,PA, PVC, PP, BT, 30% GF, Nylon,PEEK etc.
Towell is your full-service partner of small and large products, with strong engineering support, superior customer service and state-of-the-art processing control techniques. Just send us 3D files in .IGS/.X-T/.PRT/.STP/.STL format, waitting for you at any time.
Mobil:+86 (咨询特价)
Fax:+86 755 (咨询特价)
Add:No.317 tongle Road,longgang District,
shenzhen City,guangdong Province,China.
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